-Butoh Cheerleading is an empty state of mind/feeling which influences the body physically for team motivation and audience entertainment in order to direct waiting spectators of events to cheer for uncoming performers, stage crew, busses, or to simply participate in cheerleading based on the surrounding environment. -The body is an empty vessel for the surrounding spirits to possess and use to convey expressions truthfully and honestly. In some cases, Butoh CheerLeaders must maintain an empty state of mind/feeling and a well physical balanced physique in order to obtain the stresses of accepting some spirit energies around them.-Butoh CheerLeading ranges from group body possession to intense physical activity for team motivation and audience entertainment. -Butoh CHeerLeading is ever-changing. Giving a halted, reverberating picture of the muted struggle to be human in this technological age of the disenfranchised body. Let us cheer for you. Email BUTOHcheerLeaders @t Gmail.com |